The Coupeville Lions Club was charted in 1938. This club has generously served and gratefully dedicated so many hours to the community of Coupeville for eighty-one years, and have a lot to show for their hard work. Many of the original members' children have joined the club to follow in their parents' footsteps. Members who joined years ago were seeking the need to serve their community and make friends. I believe those two needs are still strong reasons why people join the Coupeville Lions Club today, to serve their community and make friends along the way.
An elaborate presentation on the history of our club created in 2004 was recently uncovered. (See slide show below).
The very first charter meeting for the Coupeville Lions Club was held February 9, 1938 at the Odd Fellows Hall on Main Street - take a peek and see how the club has evolved since that first meeting took place in February, 1938:
The very first charter meeting for the Coupeville Lions Club was held February 9, 1938 at the Odd Fellows Hall on Main Street - take a peek and see how the club has evolved since that first meeting took place in February, 1938: